OCSS's Mission Statement and Philosophy

"To enable individuals with autism achieve their highest potential and contribute as confident individuals of their community."

OCSS's mission is accomplished through:
  • Provision of the highest quality supports and services.
  • Partnerships with individuals served, families, friends, neighbors, schools, businesses, employers, government, faith communities and other health care providers.
  • The dignity and respect shown to each individual.
  • The assurance of individual choice.
  • Continued commitment to the rights of all people with autism to live, work, learn and play in their community.
  • Continued advocacy and implementation of new models, methods and supports empowering individuals with autism.
  • The demonstrated commitment to education, training and autism research

OCSS believes:
  • That all persons with autism have the right to services provided within the least restrictive environment.
  • That all persons with a disability and/or autism, regardless of their age or degree of handicapping condition, can be served in the community.
  • That persons with autism can live in single-family homes, townhouses or apartments where they have a right to use the telephone, send and receive mail, and receive guests.
  • That persons with autism have a right to work in private industry or government work sites among their non-disabled peers.
  • That persons with autism have a right to specialized services which facilitate living and working among non-disabled peers.
  • That the least restrictive, positive methods be emphasized in providing instructional and/or behavioral programs for persons with autism to live in the community.
  • That persons with autism have the right to programs and services available to other members of the community and should not be denied access to these services on the basis of their disability.
  • That the principle of normalization should be implemented in all facets of the lives of persons with autism.
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